
Closet Clean Out: The Ultimate Guide to De-cluttering and Organizing for Good

Sentimentality vs Functionality: How to Declutter Your Clothes Closet

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De-clutter and Reorganize Any Size Closet for GOOD

Having a clean, organized closet is more than just an aesthetic choice. It can save time, reduce stress, and even help you make more intentional fashion choices. This blog post will guide you through a comprehensive closet cleanout, allowing you to de-clutter and reorganize any size closet – for good.

Why Is It Important to Clean Out Your Closet?

Closet cleanouts are more than just a necessary evil; they're an opportunity for renewal. It's an exercise in mindfulness, allowing us to evaluate our belongings and make deliberate decisions about what to keep, donate, or discard.

A clean, organized closet can streamline your morning routine, help you identify clothing gaps, and make your wardrobe more sustainable by promoting conscious consumption.


Step-by-Step Guide to Closet Clean Out

Embarking on a closet cleanout may feel daunting, but don't worry! This step-by-step guide will help you navigate the process with ease.

Step 1: Prepare Yourself and Your Space

Before you dive in, gather some boxes or bags for sorting items into categories: keep, donate, sell, and discard. Make sure you have a clear, open space for sorting through your clothes.

Step 2: Empty Your Closet

This might seem overwhelming, but it's easier to start with a blank canvas. Take everything out of your closet, including clothes, shoes, accessories, and anything else lurking in the corners.

Step 3: Sort Your Items

This is the heart of the cleanout. Review each item and decide whether to keep, donate, sell, or discard it. Be honest with yourself about what fits, what you love, and what you actually wear.

Step 4: Re-evaluate Your ‘Keep' Pile

Now that you've gone through everything once, revisit your ‘keep' pile. With a clearer idea of what you have, you might find that you can part with more.

Step 5: Organize Your ‘Keep' Pile

Before putting everything back in your closet, think about the most logical way to organize your items. You could sort by type, color, or even occasion.

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Best Closet Organizing Tips

Organizing a closet effectively can feel like solving a complex puzzle. Here are some top tips to help you master the art of closet organization:

  1. Utilize All Available Space: From floor to ceiling, make sure you're using all your closet space effectively. Use shelf dividers, storage boxes, or hanging organizers to maximize vertical space.
  2. Store Seasonal Items: Off-season clothing can be stored in vacuum-sealed bags or bins and placed in a less accessible part of your closet or under your bed.
  3. Group Similar Items: Organize your clothes by category – tops, bottoms, dresses, etc. – and then by color within each category. This method not only looks aesthetically pleasing but also makes finding items easier.
  4. Invest in Quality Hangers: Uniform hangers give your closet a neat, streamlined appearance. Plus, they can help preserve the shape of your clothes.
  5. Regular Maintenance: Schedule regular mini cleanouts, so the task doesn't become overwhelming. A monthly review of your closet can help you stay on top of things.

Wardrobe Essentials: Building a Capsule Closet

The concept of a capsule wardrobe is to own a minimal number of clothing items that can be mixed and matched to create a variety of outfits. Here's how you can start building your own:

  1. Identify Basic Pieces: These are the backbone of your wardrobe. They usually include a good pair of jeans, white and black tops, a little black dress, and a professional blazer.
  2. Invest in Quality: Opt for high-quality items that will last longer.
  3. Choose Neutral Colors: They are easier to mix and match.
  4. Add a Few Statement Pieces: These are the items that express your personal style and add a pop of color to your capsule wardrobe.

How to Let Go: Detaching from Sentimental Items

Letting go of clothing items with sentimental value can be difficult. Here are a few tips to help you through the process:

  1. Take a Picture: A photograph of the item can keep the memory alive, without taking up physical space.
  2. Repurpose or Upcycle: Convert the item into something you can use or display.
  3. Pass It On: Give the item to someone who will appreciate it.
  4. Keep One Item: If you have a collection of items, keep one to represent the whole.

The Science of Color Coordinating Your Closet

Color coordinating your closet can make choosing outfits a breeze. Here's how:

  1. Group by Color: Keep all your blues, reds, whites, etc., together.
  2. Understand Color Tones: Group warm and cool tones separately.
  3. Utilize the Color Wheel: The color wheel can help you understand which colors complement each other.

Organization Tools and Accessories to Maximize Space

Maximize your closet space with these useful tools and accessories:

  1. Hanging Shelves: These are perfect for storing sweaters or t-shirts that can get stretched out on hangers.
  2. Shoe Racks: Keep your shoes organized and easy to find with a shoe rack.
  3. Drawer Dividers: Ideal for separating socks, underwear, and other small items.
  4. Hooks: Hooks on the closet door or wall can hold belts, scarves, or bags.

Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Closet Practices

Incorporate these sustainable practices into your closet clean-out routine:

  1. Donate or Sell: Rather than throwing away unwanted items, consider donating them to charity or selling them online.
  2. Quality Over Quantity: Choose fewer high-quality pieces that will last longer instead of many cheaper items.
  3. Buy Secondhand: Shopping thrift stores or secondhand online shops can save money and reduce clothing waste.
  4. Recycle: If an item is no longer wearable, consider textile recycling options in your area.
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Transforming Your Closet into a Personal Style Hub

Your closet should ideally be a reflection of your personal style. If it currently feels like a jumble of random pieces rather than a cohesive collection, these steps can help you transform your closet into a style hub:

Understand Your Style

Start by identifying what truly appeals to you. Are you more boho-chic or business casual? Understanding your style is the first step towards curating a closet that's uniquely yours.

Analyze Your Lifestyle

Your wardrobe should match your lifestyle. If you work in a formal setting but your closet is filled with casual clothes, it's time to re-evaluate. Similarly, if your social life involves more outdoor activities, having a wardrobe filled with high heels and cocktail dresses might not serve you well.

Invest in Key Pieces

Every style hub has some key pieces that define the aesthetic. A leather jacket for a rock chic look, a tailored blazer for a professional look, or a pair of classic white sneakers for a casual look. Identify the key pieces for your style and invest in them.


Accessories can drastically change the vibe of an outfit. They can make a plain outfit pop or a formal outfit appear more casual. Invest in versatile accessories that can work with multiple outfits.

Create a Lookbook

A lookbook is a collection of photos of different outfits that you can create with your existing clothes. It's a fantastic reference tool, especially for those days when you're feeling uninspired.

By following these steps, you can transform your closet from a mere storage space to a personal style hub that makes dressing up an exciting part of your day!

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Incorporating Mindfulness in Your Closet Management

In an era of fast fashion, it's easy to accumulate clothes without truly valuing them. But incorporating mindfulness into our closet management can change not only our relationship with our clothes but also our shopping habits.

Practice Gratitude

Start by being grateful for the clothes you have. Each piece has served you in some way, even if it's no longer needed.

Be Conscious of Your Shopping Habits

Mindful shopping means purchasing items you need and will wear frequently, rather than buying on impulse. Before purchasing a new item, ask yourself whether you truly need it and how often you will wear it.

Appreciate Each Item

When sorting through your clothes during a cleanout, take a moment to appreciate each item. Remember when and why you bought it and the occasions when you wore it.

Visualize Your Ideal Closet

Before reorganizing your closet, visualize how you want it to look. This will guide your organization process and help you achieve a closet that's both functional and pleasing to the eye.

Incorporate Mindful Habits

Once your closet is clean and organized, try to maintain it by incorporating mindful habits. Hang clothes up after wearing them, put laundry away promptly, and regularly review your closet for items that no longer serve you.

Incorporating mindfulness into your closet management can transform it into a space that's organized, functional, and filled with items that truly bring you joy.


Cleaning out your closet doesn't have to be a chore. With these comprehensive steps and tips, you can transform your closet from cluttered chaos to an organized oasis. And remember, maintaining an organized closet is an ongoing process. Regular evaluations and adjustments can help ensure your closet stays de-cluttered and organized for good.


Written by JustDIY

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